Saturday, September 30, 2006

Blogging Out The Blog

Blogs have been around for quite a long time now, but I didn't even try it out till now. I read that Blogs were diaries, just put online. But a diary is something personal as per definition, so what's the point in letting others read what you think?
I never wrote diaries until this summer. That has a simple reason. I've seen so many movies, read so many books and heard of so many instances where people plan a murder, do some great heist or just have sex with someone they are not supposed to and no one ever knows. Police (in case of murder and heist) and parents (the sex thing) have no clue about the culprit. But then they find a diary. A diary where every detail of the act is explained without any room for interpretation.

Anyway, just wanted to write something to begin with. The sole purpose of this Blog as of now is to write down my Dublin reports. In summer I wrote a diary in Word, so now I should try out something else. Also, these are reports meant for others.

Just a note at the end: I'll be writing both in English and German.


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